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What is the correct command and format for a household routine to tell me about the weather, etc?

Community Member

tl;dr what is the correct action type and text formatting to get my Google home mini to tell me about things similarly to when i say "okay Google, tell me about..."?  

I have created a morning routine that is supposed to do the following: 

  • Sets the volume
  • Starts my Tasker routine (which is several timers to get me to stretch, brush, eat, etc.)
  • Time delay
  • Assistant.command.okgoogle "tell me the weather"
  • Assistant.command.okgoogle "tell me today's tasks"

My Tasker routine triggers and maybe the delay too. But the okgoogle commands do not. Does anyone know what the right command is? And if that is the right command what is the right format? Currently i have it as  

  • type: assistant.command.OkGoogle
  • okGoogle: "Tell me the weather"
  • devices: Bedroom speaker red - Bedroom