01-13-2025 12:02 AM
I dont get any reply , UPDATE on above case ID This is almost two weeks we are not able to send email to Gmail USERs
Two weeks ago One of our Email ID was compromised and sent Lots of emails from that ID. We immediately deleted that email ID and removed that PC from our network. After this event Gmail blocked our Domain or IP address. . From that day we are not able to send emails to our clients who are using your Gmail domain service or who have Gmail accounts. I have submitted unblock googgle form but still we are in blocklist . We are not blacklisted anywhere except gmail.We are no spammer our company is US-based and we do genuine business and only send business-related emails to our all clients. Because of this events, we have lost lots of business due to lack of communication. now its really frustrating state. So can you please unblock our IP " " or Our Domain " global.techspeed.com " it is humble request to you to please do need full ASAP so we are able to send emails to Gmail users and do business.
Please do need full ASAp and Whitelist us so we could do business.
Pleas unblock our IP :-
and our Domain :- global.techspeed.com
Contact Number 8668905411
Email ID :- #
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a month ago
Thanks for stopping by the Google Nest community. For support with Google Workspace, we recommend posting in the Google Workspace community where experts can better assist.
a month ago
Thanks for stopping by the Google Nest community. For support with Google Workspace, we recommend posting in the Google Workspace community where experts can better assist.
a month ago
Hi thank you for your reply I am not part of google workspace community can you please help me to unblock My IP from from gmail so I could send them email its now two weeks we are suffer from this . There is no direct contact of google for unblock IP can you please do this are you from Google team . Can you do this?
a month ago
Product Experts are not Google employees, we are users who volunteer their time to help others with Google products. We have no access to do what you're requesting, and the best way to get support is in the correct community I suggested. What you're asking for support with is outside the scope of what we support in this community I'm afraid.
a month ago
No We are still waiting for unblocking our IP from GMAIL no any reply from them I have submitted many time their sender form for delist