01-06-2024 08:05 AM
I have 5 Nest cameras watching various angles of my home and would like to add more cameras to my security system. I remember reading someplace that google had a limit of 5 cameras per network setup. Not sure what this means, Can I just add additional cameras to my 5 Nest camera system? Do I need to do anything, like setting up another network, and how do I do that?
01-06-2024 08:30 AM
This Google Nest help topic says there's a maximum of 10 cameras per "home" in the Google Nest app:
In this thread from a year ago, one customer says they have 15 cameras and doorbells, all in the Google Nest app, working fine. No one from Google Nest clarified the limit, or whether it applies to the Google Home app as well.
01-06-2024 06:21 PM
I tried the Wyze years ago, then, when their app let you add more cameras, got a couple more because they were so cheap. But the Wyze app is really buggy. It only works when I'm close enough to home to open app with my phone. That's why I like google. The Nest app has always worked for me when I'm travelling. It' much more stable. Sometimes the cameras don't connect when I swith to the app, but they conect within a few seconds. Sometimes my wifi disconnects, but the cameras are fine.
01-10-2024 02:35 PM
Hi everyone,
@gkudaNH, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. What MplsCustomer has shared is right on the spot. You may hit the link to learn more about the number of products you can have in the Nest app.
I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.
01-10-2024 04:12 PM
How is what I shared "right on the spot"? I reported that Google Nest says you can only have 10 cameras in the Google Nest app, but I linked to a thread where a customer said they had 15 cameras with no problems. And customers in this forum have asked what is the maximum number of cameras in the Google Home app, but there has been no answer.
01-12-2024 02:41 PM
Hello MplsCustomer,
What I mean is that you're correct when you state that the most Nest Cameras you can have in your house is ten, as that is what our public article that you shared states. Also, this is my first time hearing about having 15 Nest Cameras under one home and that’s quite unusual. We’ll check on this further.