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Legacy Nest Cams not showing notifications after transferring to Google Home

Community Member

I got a notification today (Dec 08, 2023) on the old Nest app letting me know I could transfer my cameras to the new Google home app... Great news I thought, The Google home app does work well with the new Nest cameras, so I went ahead and transferred my old legacy Nest cameras - now I've come to find out that notifications only partly work - if the camera senses motion I get a notification, but there's no longer an image / gif of what the motion was. Anyone having this issue? Any fixes?


Community Member

Yes I'm having the same issue. I just transferred mine yesterday and noticed the issue. I've been searching for a solution but haven't found anything.

Community Member

Having the same issue.  If I would have realized that Google Home had not reached feature parity for legacy Nest devices I would not have transferred to Google Home. Will likely try to switch back.


There are numerous Nest app features that are NOT in the Google Home app; see this list of "Nest app only features":

Community Member

Since snapshots in notifications is not listed, it would appear that this is just a straight up bug.

Community Member

I just transferred myself because I got a Google nest battery for my outdoor. I still have three other legacy cameras. I can only download clips from the new cam in the Google Home app I can’t download clips from the Legacy camera in the Google Home app so basically I am using the Nest app and the Google Home app Because I use the Nest app to save a clip with the legacy camera