02-28-2024 01:58 PM
I just installed a wired gen 2 doorbell and it works perfectly but now my old system is constantly firing and I'm not sure where I went wrong. I've installed the chime Puck and made sure that that was in proper position. I made sure that no wires are touching. I've tried removing the puck and the issue is still there.
I've tried searching the forum but I haven't seen this exact thing from the things that have popped up, or the solution was to attach the puck that is already attached. Any ideas?
02-28-2024 04:47 PM
Hmmmm, it sounds like it isn't happy with the PUCK installation but the PUCK is definitely need if you have a mechanical chime. Maybe watch this video to see if it helps figure this out. You can jump to the 10 minute mark and watch from there.
02-29-2024 06:51 AM
Thanks. I watched that video and I have my settings set up the same. The noise is still present. If I ring the bell it does go away and the piece stops moving for 5-10 minutes and then starts up again. It's so strange.
02-29-2024 05:45 PM
Hmmm, I'm out of ideas at this point. One possible next step is you can open a support ticket with Google and speak to a tech. Keep in mind if you do this you will want to set aside about an hour as I'm sure they will want to put you thru all the trouble shooting steps.
Here is the link: If you they get it fixed please return here and let us know what the problem was.
03-03-2024 10:13 AM
Well, it looks like the thing burned out. Problem solved I guess...