03-02-2024 11:52 AM
I have upgraded to the 10-day constant recording. Guess what it's not doing?
These horrible cameras and horrible Google home software has been a nightmare since I bought the first battery camera.
This has been a costly mistake on my part to trust a large company to actually have their **bleep** together.
I swear to God if anybody tells me to contact support. Unless you know a foreign language, don't bother and all they do is have us redo exactly what we've already done. The robots that's it
03-02-2024 12:41 PM
When running on battery power, the battery camera is not great, and is downright poor in a cold weather climate like ours in Minnesota. But we've had a battery camera since Sept. 2021, plugged in from the beginning using the optional 10-meter power cable so that it is running in "plugged in mode" (I'm not sure of the exact name of the option). We had an existing "Nest Aware Plus" subscription, so we've been getting 10-day 24/7 video history and 60-day event video history ever since the camera was installed. Our camera is regularly online and "Live".
Our only complaint is that to our surprise it works only in the Google Home app (and therefore lacks many Nest app functions: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/13038234#zippy=%2Cnest-app-only-features) and works only on the live-streaming-only beta "Public Preview" home.google.com website and NOT on the home.nest.com website. So we continue to use 2 apps.