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Theft claim denied - terrible customer service

Community Member

I had two of my 5 nest cameras stolen about 20 days ago. 

I followed all of the steps to get them replaced. First they denied my claim because I sent in the wrong police report. When I corrected everything, they said that one of the cameras had been offline for over a year, so they will only replace the other. There is literally footage from both cameras, of the theft 20 days ago. 


Am I being scammed? 


Community Member

 This is my case number if anyone can help 5-3294000036099

This has been a very discouraging experience. You buy these cameras with the silly magnetic mount assuming Google will keep to their policy and replace them if they are stolen. Now I'm being robbed twice, once by some kids on the street, and once by Google. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Digsmgi, 

Thanks for providing the case number. I'm gonna reach out to our support team about your issue and keep you in the loop with updates.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, 

It looks like one of our support team members already sent you an email about this. If you need more help, just reply to that email and we'll keep the conversation going there.
