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Missing technicalinfo.plist file

Community Member

I just moved into my apartment and there is a nest learning thermostat that is locked.  I was on support last night trying to get it fixed but I am missing the technicalinfo.plist file.  They told me that I would have to send them the thermostat and wait 5-14 days before I would receive my new one.  Is there anyway I could get the technicalinfo.plist file emailed to me so I can download it into the nest drive? I already have the reset to defaults file but without the technicalinfo file it is useless.  I'd like to not go without having a thermostat for possibly two weeks.


Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

If you moved into an apartment than the management company probably can help you. Unless the previous tenant is the one that installed the Nest.  The technicalinfo.plist is unique for each individual Nest thermostat. This is why Google Nest support needs the thermostat back. You have understand this is a security feature to prevent someone from stealing thermostat and selling it for a profit.  Basically they become paperweights. 

AC Cooling Wizard

NestPro, Google Pro, Mechanical Engineer and HVAC service company owner.