04-27-2024 07:25 PM
I have my Nest Thermostat set to raise the temp from 72 to 74 at 1:00 PM. I have Early On set to a maximum of 1 hour. It has worked fine for over a year. Today, the thermostat turned on the furnace (forced air / gas) at 11:00 AM, which is 2 hours early. The house was 74 within 20 minutes. I have not changed any settings for at least 3 months. Why is this happening?
I have owned some manner of Nest Thermostat for many years, so I know and have checked all the settings that could affect this behavior. The only thing I can't check is the software, which I have to assume is the culprit in this case.
I know I can reset the thermostat, or I can Factory Reset it, but I'd like to know why this is happening. I will keep an eye on it for a few days to see if this problem is duplicated. But, until then, hoping for some explanation,
05-01-2024 03:22 PM
Hi zunkman,
Sorry to hear about this situation with your Nest Thermostat. No worries, help is here! Here you have some troubleshooting steps that might help to solve it:
1. You may have a schedule but you aren't aware. Perform a Reset only on the schedules:
2. Check if the Auto-Schedule is ON. You can turn it off, so your thermostat won't make any changes by itself.
3. Perform a Factory Reset on the thermostat:
Let me know how that works.
05-01-2024 03:46 PM
Hi AxelD, thanks for the response.
Allow me to preface my answer by saying that I am an IT Specialist, and I always check the obvious (and more) before asking for help.
1) My schedules are fine. I programmed and checked them many times.
2) Auto schedule is off. It has been off since I installed my thermostat 15 months ago.
3) Factory reset is far down the list of absolute last resorts for me. I have many routines and automations that depend on my Nest Thermostat, and a Factory Reset of the Thermostat would require literally days of re-adjusting those routines and automations.
If it's any help, based on my logs, this behavior started on April 1 (No Fooling). There was an obvious change to the way the logs are recorded starting on that date. Was there a software update around that date?
Again, thanks for your suggestions, but I firmly believe it is a software issue.