11-26-2021 01:46 PM
Does anyone have experience integrating Google Wifi router and access points with Bell Fibe and Bell Home Hub 4000? There’s an amazing promo to get me to switch from Cogeco to Fibe, which for speed and stability is a no brainer but I’m worried that integrating my existing Google Wifi router and two points is going to be an issue. Can you just shut off the wifi from Home Hub 4000 and hard wire the Google Router? Is there more that has to be done as the Home Hub 4000 is a modem and router. Anyone done it yet and have tips and tricks?
11-28-2021 09:13 AM
I had them working, but after the last Hub 4000 update, I couldn’t get the working consistently… I ended up removing the Google points altogether…
01-07-2022 01:20 PM
Hey, Gord.
Sorry for the late response here, but I wanted to check in to see if you were still having this question and to see if you have done any more digging on this. If you still need help, let me know and I'll be happy to work on this with you.
01-11-2022 12:20 PM
Hi, Gord.
Just one quick final check in here. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
01-17-2022 09:58 AM
Hi, everyone.
As we haven't had any activity here recently I'm going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have more to add, feel free to start a new discussion.