02-28-2024 08:21 AM
Hello, I recently had to replace my entire Nest Security system (as we all have dealt with or are dealing with). This included purchasing a new Nest Connect so that my existing Nest x Yale lock would continue to work. Spoiler: it doesn’t function properly now.
A few background points:
1) I have NEVER had an issue with this lock in the 3 years I’ve had it (when it was linked to my Nest Secure). It’s not the lock.
2) Not only have I done a complete factory reset on both the lock and the new Connect, but my partner has also done a complete factory reset on each as well. Two factory resets and it’s still going offline everyday around roughly the same time (~10am).
3) I can see others in the community are having the same issue (Ex: https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Security/Nest-Door-Locks-going-offline-and-online-suddenly-at...).
Is there a resolution to this issue?
It’s bad enough that my previously perfectly functioning lock and both of my Nest Cams can’t integrate with the alleged “partner” replacement security set up (ADT), but now my lock with a newly PURCHASED Nest Connect is no longer functioning properly.
(Honestly if you are considering ADT thinking it will integrate with your existing Nest Cams and Locks - please reconsider - NONE of them work with ADT. And ADT customer service is the absolute WORST - the people are nice enough but absolutely useless. They have absolutely no information about what products will work or why, they can’t help trouble shoot app set up, and most clearly haven’t been briefed on the Google/ADT transition and try and pawn you off department to department. It’s a really disappointing and expensive experience.)
How much is this “partnership” going to cost and is there a fix to this Nest x Yale and Nest Connect issue? Clearly enough people are having the exact same issue.
I’d really just like one Google product and/or customer service experience to deliver through this transition nightmare.
03-04-2024 04:19 PM
I'm having a similar issue, not the exact. My Nest yale locks have started to disconnect multiple times a day and this has been a recent development within the last months to 2 months. I tried to change the batteries, I have reset multiple locks, and changed positions of my Nest connect and I am still having the same issue. There have been no new products added, no changes to my Wi-Fi.
03-20-2024 02:29 PM
I have the same problem. Almost every day for just the past couple weeks I get the notification that one or both of my nest x yale locks are offline. No changes have occured. When I get this notification, I could look in the nest app, and both locks are there and online. My nest connect is in direct line of sight of my wifi AP and both locks, no more than 10-15 feet each. I have tried resetting the connect, moving it, nothing has helped. In the prior 2 years I never had them offline once that I remember.
03-20-2024 04:26 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for posting and I'm sorry to hear that you've been having inconveniences with your Nest x Yale Lock. Have you verified any other factors that could cause the Nest Connect or lock to go offline? (The power from the outlet, Your WiFi, The lock's batteries, etc.)
Also, are you still using your Nest Secure system? If you are still using it, there might be a possibility that the Nest x Yale lock might be switching the connection between the Nest Secure and Nest connect at night and I'd recommend the following:
If your Nest x Yale lock is still having any inconvenience with the connection. please let me know.
03-20-2024 04:32 PM
Nothing has changed on my end. All the locks have new batteries. I even went through the steps to completely reset And set up a lock thinking there may have been a change and it still has the same issue. I do not and have not ever used the nest secure system. I have 2 Nest connects located throughout the home, one on the front end of the house and one one in the upstairs. Neither of which have been moved or repositioned in the last 3 years. My Google Wi-Fi has not changed, the Wi-Fi points have not moved, I have not added any new electronic devices in the home the home. This is obviously a change on Google's end and they are not addressing whatever update or change has been done.
03-20-2024 08:25 PM
I have verified all factors. This only started when I received the partnership-provided ADT self starter package, uninstalled and disposed of the Nest Secure. I’ve never used both. Once I received the self starter kit, I purchased a brand new Nest Connect directly from Google so the Next x Yale lock would work. My WiFi is Google, the Connect is installed within feet of the WiFi, and the WiFi is working fine with all other devices.
To be extremely diligent, I factory reset my lock (twice), have done a hard restart on my WiFi (which is again working fine everywhere else). But my lock continues to go offline multiple times a day.
Clearly other people are having the same exact issue (as evidenced by this and other threads in this community and Reddit) - is there a solution or another path forward?
03-27-2024 09:35 AM
Hi there. I appreciate all of your feedback.
Since you've verified all of the factors and your locks still seem to go offline. I will be more than glad to look into this for you guys.
So please fill out this form with all the information needed. Please let me know once you're done filling it out.
03-27-2024 09:49 AM
Thanks Angel, I really appreciate it. My form has been filled out!
04-05-2024 09:45 AM
Hi Angel @aperezdeleon - any update?
04-04-2024 11:10 AM
I'm having the same issue and has started only recently as well within the last two months. Have had the lock and nest connect since 2021 with no issues until recently. Form completed. Thanks.