08-03-2023 12:46 PM
Hi, I have a 1st Gen Google Home Mini and while trying to using it, It's suddenly not responsive. I tried the 10x unplug and replug method but it doesn't work for me either. The device only shows 1 Green LED if I hold the reset button under the speaker. Is there anyway that someone can fix this issue ?
08-08-2023 07:17 AM
Hi Syrune,
Thanks for posting — let's get this sorted out.
I wanted to confirm if this is the sequence you followed: At the side of your Google Home Mini, unplug the power cord > wait 10 seconds > plug the power cord back in > wait for the 4 LED lights to turn on > unplug the power cord again > repeat the steps 10 more times.
08-11-2023 08:49 AM
Hi there,
I'm jumping in to ensure everything is good here. Have you seen our previous response? Let us know the answer so we could take a closer look at it.