05-13-2023 11:16 PM
We used to be able to trigger white noise playing in another room. For example, from the speaker in our bedroom, we'd ask it to play white noise on nursery speaker. We've not been able to for a few days now. You actually have to be in the room to get the white noise to play. Does anyone know why it's changed or if there's a fix? I know I can play white noise from spotify and cast it to a speaker, but it's not as convenient
05-18-2023 02:04 PM
Hello micespiders,
Thanks for posting — let’s see what’s going on.
A few questions: when did the issue start? Were there any recent changes made before this happened? What's the response from your device when you try to play white noise from the other room?
Go ahead and plug the Nursery speaker for a minute before plugging it back in. Try to check if you can play music from the Nursery speaker to another device and see if that works.
05-21-2023 07:35 PM
Hi there,
Checking in, did the troubleshooting steps shared help?
05-22-2023 09:23 PM
Hey micespiders,
We haven’t heard back, so I'll be locking this thread if we won't hear from you in 24 hours. Feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.