03-12-2024 04:08 PM
The time for Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, México is currently wrong on all my Google devices (and services)
Apparently it is using the IANA time zone identifier America/Monterrey instead of the IANA identifier America/Matamoros.
Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, México shares the same time zone with Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México.
This is reflected properly in IANA's commentary:
Also you can confirm the fact that Valle Hermoso shares time zone with Matamoros (and other border cities) by going to the official government site of Mexico, article 5 paragraph I: https://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5670045&fecha=28/10/2022#gsc.tab=0
This has been a recurring issue every year when DST starts, but ever since the rest of Mexico (excluding border cities) got rid of DST in 2022 it's been more troublesome since my devices will have the wrong time for 8 months!
03-12-2024 04:33 PM
Google Nest seems to rely on a Google database (perhaps from Google Maps?) that specifies a timezone for each address in the world. That database has errors in it. Google Nest seems to have no process for correcting such errors in its database, or even for acknowledging that there is such a database. In fact, some Google Nest Support staff act as if there is no such database, and tell the customer to factory reset their device; as a result, their problem does not get resolved.
Over the last couple of years, I've seen other posts from other customers in other parts of the world whose home addresses are also assigned to erroneous time zones, who also could NOT get Google Nest to address the issue. The only time I know of where Google Nest did address the issue was when the rest of Mexico discontinued daylight savings time, and even then it took them months to correct the problem.
Customers in Queensland, Australia have the same problem (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Speakers-and-Displays/Display-show-incorrect-time/m-p/604686).
Google Nest Support, can't you address this problem?
03-19-2024 11:56 AM
I think this is definitely Google Nest's problem, and it lies in Google Nest's database.
If I ask one of our Nest Hubs, "Hey Google, what is the timezone for Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, México" when, for me, it is 1:44 pm US CST, it says "The time in Valle Hermoso is 12:44 pm."
And if I ask "Hey Google, what is the timezone for Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México" when, for me, it is 1:44 pm US CST, it says "Matamoros is in Central Daylight Time" and shows the time as 1:44 pm.
Note that the wording is different in the two responses as well.
04-14-2024 08:27 PM
The problem persists after 2 years, such a large company and it can't solve a simple request, even after so called "community experts" are aware of the problem
04-19-2024 11:44 AM
Hi Carlos15,
Sorry to hear about your situation with your Hub because it hasn't been fixed. Please share your feedback using the next article Share feedback about Google Nest about this issue you're getting.