Update on Assistant experience on Nest Speakers & Displays Read more
Hi everyone, Thank you for continuing to notify us of the reliability issues you’re facing with your Speaker groups. I escalated these issues internally and the team is actively investigating a resolution. If you’re able, all feedback is appreciated!...
Here are some steps I recommend to resolve issues during the setup of Google Nest or Home speakers or displays.Step 1: Things to check on your phone or tablet Turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Turn off cellular/mobile data.This ensures your phone or table...
I recently had a power outage, for like a 1 min(which happens at least twice a month) and every time it happens, my nest hubs (2nd gen) just stops turning on. If I switch the power adapters with other nest hub 2nd gens I have in my home, it begins to...
Hey I have a Google Display (Nest Hub these days if I understand correctly) Anyways, it shows pictures and very small the time and weather, is there a way to get the time bigger (I need glasses to read) and als show the weather in a bigger format, ev...
I recently upgraded my phone (in the last week) from Samsung Galaxy S10 to the S23. When I used to ask my Google Home mini to find my phone, it would automatically respond "Your Galaxy S10 should be ringing now" and it did! Worked like a charm. After...
I just bought the Nest Hub 2 gen. I installing it via Google home but as soon as it logs on to the wifi it downloads updates. It downloads 10% and then it stops and it gives me an error message saying to restart the Nest, but it happens again and aga...
Hi, when I change the treble and bass in the home app for the nest speaker the changes don't actually apply, is there a way wo fix this or is it just not Compatible
Not sure when this started and no fix in the Google Assistant area to check off.My location is now Pacific Ocean. And no time or temperature.”sorry I don’t understand” or gives me the definition of time.Tried factory resetting and reading these but n...
Sirius app on my iPad had 3 speakers/ devices before now only has one ! My iPhone Sirius app has all 3 devices! Tried rebooting removing and reinstalling etc to no avail!
I've had four nest speakers for a few years now, always worked perfectly in pairs, but as of today the left speakers state they cannot detect the right speaker when I try to stream to those pairs.I've done factory resets on all four, forgotten and re...
3 years of 'Hey google' has **bleep**ing got to me I am sick and tired of saying google.How **bleep**ing up your own **bleep**ing ass do you have to be to have someone who buys your product have to say your company each time by name to do anything wi...
Same thread.