Hi I have already returned mine, going to wait and see. Maybe future
firmware updates will fix it. I was also getting poor coverage compared
to my Asus,. Will wait and see and then I will consider buying it again.
I'm not going to wait as I need a st...
Yep, Same I have an ONT one of the new ones, and its just giving me 50
all the time. Looks like a return for me until they release a software
update, device is broken for us Ppoee users. Not sure about DHCP users
1.63.318999 version Already RMA this nest pro and returned, not going to
waste my time. Back to my Asus. Will consider buying again once all the
issues have been ironed out. For £300+ I expeced this to be better
I am, with BT FTTP. Same issue running im running pppoe, 3 points, half
the WiFi speed everywhere, wired doesn't same thing, and the singal
coverage is poorer than my Asus zenwifi mini 2 packm thinking of
returning as I'm not sure how long it's going...