Correction: the themed icons and names of the timer seem to be working
again. When the timer ends, the themed gifs are back but the themed
music is not, despite the music playing for a second when the timer
first starts. It’s just the generic beeping...
I just tested ours and it's still not displaying the themed graphics or
playing the sound when the timer ends. Maybe there's an update that
hasn't pushed to our device yet.
Does anyone know how we might get the attention of Google tech support
in this thread? It seems they sometimes monitor these posts for tech
issues. It would be great if someone from Google commented to let us
know if they're aware of this bug and wor...
I noticed last night that it still plays a brief snippet of the themed
sound when you set the timer (e.g. chicken timer clucks), but the usual
themed image isn't displayed and the themed sound doesn't play when the
timer ends. This would seem to poin...