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Google Home is dying

Community Member

Google home is dying.

For each day that passes it becomes more obvious: Google is, or at least it seems so, killing it's home services.

Each new day I regret more than the previous one the decision I made by choosing Google as our home assistant smart home oriented ecosystem.

Each new week, or month adds a meu agony to this dying system. Errors, malfunctions, the "something went" and other major or minor problems, are becoming increasingly more common. Far more comfy than it can be accepted for sake of reliability. And people want reliable products and services.

And by the way, Restarting or resetting can't be the "see if it solves" answer as homes are getting smarter and smarter by the day, with dozens or hundreds of devices and services providers, it's condemning us all to a cyclical hell loop.

With various Google products in my possession, I regret now so much the day I went for Google.

Omnia quærite in simplicitate cordis

Community Member

I bought into about everything Google did. **bleep** what a fool I am. Everything they push on you one day they're strangling in the bath the next.