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Issue with Android Tablet

Community Member

I installed Sophos Intercept X for Mobile on a new Tablet. 
Intercept X is showing:
Android compatibility verification FAILED” indicates the Android OS on the tablet is not validated according to Google's validation tools.  It might not be an unofficial Android version itself - unofficial Android version is installed - but the instead the device might have been rooted or there are key Google apps missing.  Since Sophos Intercept X for Mobile is supposed to ensure that your device is secure and protected, it reports anything that could be a vulnerability. "

a) (key Google apps missing) I followed online instructions to find missing Google apps - "
How to check missing Google apps on Android 13 tablet" but none were listed in the subsequent search. Also check withing Google Play with no missing apps shown.

b) (device might have been rooted )I used a program from the Google Play Store to check if the unit is Rooted.
Result "Pad_6S_Pro
is not rooted"
Running Android 8.1.0 (Oreo)

c) (unofficial Android version) The Supplier of the tablet states an official version of Android 13 is installed.

Sophos Technical Support stated: "You may choose to ignore the check at your discretion. but I would not trust the device for handling or storing sensitive personal information or banking if you are not able to address the reason why it it is reporting the compatibility failure."

I am at a loss how to proceed to determine the reason for Sophos Intercept X for Mobile warning “Android compatibility verification FAILED”.

Any ideas would be most welcome.

(I have used Sophos Intercept X for Mobile on my Mobile for many years without the warning mentioned about showing.)