12-14-2022 05:57 AM
Eski sürüm 2.62 olması gerek cromecast kurunca daha once başka biri tarafindan kullanildı, fabrika ayarlarına sifirla mesajı geliyor. Sifirlama yöntemini bulamadım. Ne düğmesi var ne de home uygulamasinda sifirlama göremiyorum.
12-14-2022 06:05 AM
Hi there,
Please try following the Google Nest help center instructions linked below for factory resetting a Google Chromecast.
Factory reset:
12-19-2022 09:08 AM
Hey there,
Thanks for the help, Cathal_S.
Salih123456, we hope that helps. Feel free to reach back if you still need help or if you have other questions and concerns.
12-22-2022 12:37 PM
Hey there Salih123456,
Do you have any more questions or need any additional help?
Thank you,
12-25-2022 09:10 AM
Hello Salih123456,
We haven't heard from you in a while so we’ll be locking this thread after 24 hours. If you're still experiencing problems, please feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help.
Thanks for lending a hand, Jeran.