12-22-2022 04:02 AM
Hi there,
I just finished setting up my new Chromecast 4k,but the voice assistant is driving me mad.Talkback is disabled,but it still talks with any search results.Is there some way to disable this entirely ?.
12-23-2022 08:48 AM
how to switch on pixel5a 5g
12-28-2022 12:12 PM
Hey there Vinny1967,
Welcome to the Chromecast Community Forum! At the moment, there isn't a way to disable the Assistant reading back the search results. If this is something you'd like to see in the future, would you be able to submit feedback via Google TV? Google takes all feedback seriously, and the more feedback they receive regarding a specific feature, the more likely they are to prioritize it.
I look forward to your response, and if you have any other questions or concerns for me, please let me know! Otherwise, I'll lock the thread in 24 hours.
Best regards,