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Community Member
since ‎12-20-2023

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  • 6 Posts
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I wanted to set the settings for away/home mode but google home tells me that it has not detected devices that can use this function but in reality I have installed a Tapo cam, which however does not allow me to consult the images "video stream canno...
I created an automation that turns on the light bulb at sunset, when I'm away from home, for 30 minutes, and then turns off the light bulb for 60 minutes, and then turns on the light bulb for 30 minutes and so on. The problem is that when I arrive at...
using the script editor in google home web I created an automation that turns a smart light bulb on and off simulating my presence at home. This routine works well however I can't find it in the Automations screen of the Android Google Home app, how ...