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New Doorbell

Community Member

Greetings, I recently switched my wifi provider and got my nest up and running without issue.  I am trying to reconnect my nest door bell but am not getting the blue pulsing light. I have done several hard resets. Restarted my phone to no avail. I am at a loss as to what to do next.  Please assist. - I have followed all the videos posted to reconnect the doorbell.  Thank you. 




Sometimes I see posts from other customers that indicate they really did not get the factory reset to work, since it can be difficult to depress and hold the reset button/pin. If you've already followed the instructions below, you could instead try contacting Support, using the link and instructions in the post below:

The reset pin on the Nest Doorbell (battery) is located below the USB port on the back of the doorbell.

1. Insert and hold the pin (you can use an unfolded paperclip or a thumbtack):

2. At 10 seconds, the status light will blink yellow four times, and you'll hear a countdown tone.

3. At 12 seconds, the status light will be steady, solid yellow while the doorbell starts the factory reset, and you'll hear a confirmation tone.

4. Release the button. The doorbell SHOULD restore to its factory settings.

Thank you - I have tried all the resets. I am not getting the status light to blink nor am I am getting the pulsing blue light. I have used a paperclip and held for 15 seconds. I am getting no response.  This door bell is less than 6 months old.



Then try contacting Support.  You should still be under the 1-year warranty.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


@andreac, don't give up on us yet. We'd like to further check on this. Could you fill out this form and let me know once you're done?


I appreciate your help, @MplsCustomer



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi andreac, 


We haven't received your form. Were you able to fill it out? Do you still need help?

