11-09-2023 04:48 AM
Dont know if you'll get an answer. I've been trying to get an answer to my question for ages... That question being are the battery cameras going to catch fire and burn my house down with my family in it when the temperature gets above 40°c ... Because thats what it says in the instructions "do not use above 40 otherwise they may catch fire"... So anyone from google support care to answer?
11-09-2023 04:53 AM
Are the battery cameras going to catch fire and burn my house down with my family in it when the temperature gets above 40°c ... Because thats what it says in the instructions "do not use above 40 otherwise they may catch fire"... So anyone from google support care to answer?
11-09-2023 04:48 AM
Dont know if you'll get an answer. I've been trying to get an answer to my question for ages... That question being are the battery cameras going to catch fire and burn my house down with my family in it when the temperature gets above 40°c ... Because thats what it says in the instructions "do not use above 40 otherwise they may catch fire"... So anyone from google support care to answer?
11-09-2023 04:47 AM
Dont know if you'll get an answer. I've been trying to get an answer to my question for ages... That question being are the battery cameras going to catch fire and burn my house down with my family in it when the temperature gets above 40°c ... Because thats what it says in the instructions "do not use above 40 otherwise they may catch fire"... So anyone from google support care to answer?