08-26-2023 08:35 AM
I started a new job with a different hybrid schedule and merely wanted to change the days of the week on my WFH and office day routines and found I could not.
I searched for some solutions and found this thread here https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Home-Automation/Good-morning-routine-won-t-save/m-p/368544#M1...
Based on the recommendation there, I thought maybe it was a memory thing for the app deleting older disabled routines. I deleted the items inside the default routines I no longer used and those changes saved and I deleted some custom routines I no longer used.
So then I tried to save the changes in my routines again, but no luck. I then thought to delete the two routines in hopes of building them new from scratch. Those won’t save either.
Then I tried to save items inside the default routines which were empty. Also no luck.
So now I have lost all my automations and have absolutely no way to create new or edit default ones.
And yes, I have restarted the app, restarted my phone, restarted my displays. I’m using the Public Preview version of Google Home running iOS 16.6 on an iPhone 14 Pro.
08-26-2023 10:09 AM
An update: I can save things to a Default automation, as long as I don’t save a time.
Time starters are what seem to kill my ability to save…except I really need actions tied to a time, not a key phrase.
08-26-2023 06:38 PM
I’m having the same issue. All automations with time starters aren’t able to be saved. Hoping for a fix 🙏
08-26-2023 11:32 PM
Same issue. Can't save a new routine based on time with a "Try your own"command anymore.
08-27-2023 03:58 AM
I have the same problem
08-27-2023 05:29 AM
Im having the same problem, extremely frustrating
08-27-2023 05:34 AM
I have been onto Google support and logged the issue. There isn’t a current bug fix however I was shown how to log into my automations and create a new script automation on my PC. Very technical and takes a long time to get your head around. I’ve created a few automations with the tech support to get me by but hoping the app is fixed asap.
08-28-2023 03:49 AM
Was that scripting route only something that could be done on a PC or is it browser based meaning I could do it on my Mac?
08-28-2023 05:30 AM
I went through support and this is in 'public preview', not full release so not sure if it's available to everyone. It's browser based and I was logged into chrome as the same user as my home account.
This should take you to an screen to see your current automations, you can't edit existing only add new automations. I highly recommend calling support and getting one script done to get you started, once you have a script done I have setup more through copy and paste, then editing devices etc.
This is the resource to help you start setting up automation scripts;
Hope that helps.
08-28-2023 08:53 AM
Okay, I'll give this a shot sometime this week and report back on success or failure hahah. I use the public preview on the app so maybe that's why I can see it in browser. Thanks for sharing!
I was looking at a third party thing on Git using into the Google Home API that I think is more or less the DIY version of what you shared.
08-28-2023 06:11 PM
Me too! Though I can save simple stuff tied to a time, but not once I add any sort of media command (ie. Play music, or change volume)
08-28-2023 10:23 PM - edited 08-28-2023 10:25 PM
So the script editor did the trick for the simple automation I was trying to save. Not the easiest process though.
Kind of annoying really that you can't edit from the website in the same way you do from the app on the phone. Personally I think it would be very nice to create complex automations while using keyboard and mouse to speed up the process.
The most annoying part is that you can't edit existing automations that were created with the app from within the site, using either the script editor or an app like interface. Should be interchangeable. Maybe in future iterations. It's a step in the right direction though.
08-29-2023 10:03 AM
Experiencing a similar issue; I can only save automations with a Starter OR an Action, but not if I add both.
I have also rebooted all devices, reinstalled the Home app, etc. to no avail.
08-29-2023 11:50 PM
Same issue here; my radio alarm is no longer working and I can no longer create new time-based automations. The only purpose of most of our Hubs is now no longer available. Might as well bin them…
12-16-2023 09:45 AM - edited 12-16-2023 05:09 PM
Still having issues....anyone get it fixed?? I can't even save an automation in the script editor. I use the validate button and the script is executable but then when I hit save I get a message that says cannot save routine....come on google!!! Automations were working just fine a month ago...
12-27-2023 09:09 AM
They don't care as long as their devices still work for their primary objective, which is watching and listening to you. Playing your media at a time or action of your choosing is very low priority for these folks, hence I'm here with the same issue in December after pulling these things out of the sell on eBay box. They're going right back in that box.
12-28-2023 07:29 AM
I'm having a similar problem. I get a 403 error anytime I attempt to edit or create an automation and it's changed the automation I had set up. Hopefully they fix this.
02-03-2024 03:45 PM - edited 02-03-2024 03:46 PM
Sorry I forgot to update.
I tried the script editor in browser and that didn't work because when I tried doing it there were conflicting depreciated vs current descriptors in documentation, so I gave up on creating something that could be validated.
Instead now the only option is to schedule new routines that include time delays, but that's a really garbage way to set up a routine, having to calculate the number of minutes apart for every little thing.
This has essentially rendered the Nest Hub Max completely useless to me aside from asking for the time, weather, or to set a timer/alarm. And Spotify doesn't work on these anymore. Unsure if that's a Spotify or a Nest problem. But I definitely have no intention to buy the new tablet version because it's just not worth it.