06-14-2023 06:14 AM
Is it possible to set up an automation so that when the nest doorbell (better) detections motion between certain times a light is turned on?
06-14-2023 07:59 PM
+1 Commenting to see if anyone has a solve in the native Google Home experience. I don't feel like dropping another couple hundred and configuring a Rasberry Pi to solve this.
I just tried to write some custom automations in Script Editor, but it appears my cameras (Wired doorbell Gen 2 & Nest Cam Battery) are only limited to Doorbell press or status on.
Disappointing for something that seems pretty straightforward (and from what I understand, is available in the Google API which can be accessed via Home Assistant)
06-15-2023 07:36 AM
I don't believe it's possible natively, but you can definitely achieve this using Samsung SmartThings - and I don't believe you'd need their hardware to do so. This would be easier if your lights are also SmartThings compatible, but you could do a more complex setup using a virtual switch in SmartThings (which you could then sync with your real lights using a simple automation in Google Home).
06-16-2023 07:31 PM
Hi @Deebsmk - Thanks for the question. As mentioned in our script editor announcement post (coming soon section), we are actively working to enable camera events as a starter. We will share with this community when these are available.
10-26-2023 03:49 AM - edited 10-26-2023 03:50 AM
@Prafulla , it's been four months. Any updates on when we'll see the additional starters become available?
10-26-2023 05:13 AM - edited 10-26-2023 05:13 AM
Hey @TenaciousT - Sorry didn't close the loop here but we already announced camera event starters couple of months ago. Check out this post and give them a shot: https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Blog/Camera-events-custom-notifications-and-more-now-availabl...
06-18-2024 01:37 PM
And what about us brain dead slobs? The ones who can't edit. Will be ever get this most basic of abilities?
04-02-2024 06:00 PM
It appears that this simple request is not yet fulfilled.
11-26-2024 04:01 PM
It's in the app but it doesn't work. I've tried to trigger an interior light (connected to a smart plug) when motion is detected; then a GE bulb. Neither work despite the Google Home app logging the motion notifications. If I switch the trigger to "doorbell rings" - it works. Google tried telling me the Nest doorbell isn't a google device (really? You bought them; you sell them). Then also said the plug wasn't supported. It's ridiculous that I can turn these lights on/off via the app; via voice commands; via a doorbell ring but not motion. IMO - it's definitely BROKEN on their end
01-08-2025 07:41 PM
It’s 2025 and it still doesn’t seem to be working.
01-08-2025 09:55 PM - edited 01-08-2025 09:57 PM
And support doesn't know what we're talking about...or that you can code around it. One support chat convo they "ended the discussion" because 3 times they told me they ck'd with the Nest team and only their floodlight does this. I told them "more than 3 times" I've told you, you don't understand I'm not talking about the Nest product native capabilities, I'm talking about your Home app. They don't even know their own products
08-28-2023 01:01 PM
As much as this pains me to admit, I'm not entirely that upset that Google hasn't pushed out something that allows the doorbell to interact with something or trigger something. There's a security risk that could open our homes to a threat.
With that being said, SHAME ON YOU Google for not having the foresight and common sense to know that users who go all in with Google products might want to create custom automations to suit their needs. I can't even create an automation that simply turns the volume up on my Google speakers if the doorbell gets pressed. The ability to turn on lights if the cameras detect motion should have been the first thing you thought of, but either you didn't think these things, or you deemed it so low on the priority list that we have to wait several years to get this basic feature. I'm so very disappointed with you.
08-28-2023 01:14 PM - edited 08-28-2023 01:16 PM
Not sure you've actually tried the new automations. It looks like motion detection still isn't available - the device shows as a suggestion for motion detection in the editor, but the script fails validation. That being said, this looks like it would work fine for the button press automation you're looking for:
name: Doorbell alert
description: Scripted automation
- type: device.event.DoorbellPress
device: Front door doorbell - Front door
- type: device.command.SetVolume
volumeLevel: 100
devices: Living Room Speaker - Living Room
- type: assistant.command.Broadcast
message: "Doorbell has been pressed!"
devices: Living Room Speaker - Living Room
- type: device.command.OnOff
on: true
devices: Front Porch Lights - Front Porch
08-28-2023 01:19 PM
I very foolishly spoke before I read through everything. Somehow I completely missed the entire announcement of the "script editor" they released. I was working purely within the Google home app. The home app currently has all the features I'm currently looking for, I can create the entire automation that I want, it just refuses to save any automation that involves my doorbell.
I will take a dive into this pseudo scripting system they've released. Coincidentally some other user mentioned they "Smart Things" from Samsung might have an alternate automation system that might work better, but I've yet to tinker with that.
Regardless, thank you! I even appreciate the code you've provided as well! You're awesome!
08-28-2023 01:25 PM
That was actually me that suggested SmartThings - that being said, it looks like a new version is out today that should support motion events natively. I don't yet have the new event starters, but there's probably an annoyingly slow, staged rollout like most Google things: https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Blog/Camera-events-custom-notifications-and-more-now-availabl...
09-29-2023 06:34 AM
can the message be a sound or song instead of a vocal message?