07-27-2023 04:11 PM
I haven't migrated to google, still using the old nest account. Before after I logged into my account via web browser, it would stay logged in for weeks if not months. I can just go to the link and it would work. It just started happening since today/yesterday, it logs me off after certain amount of time, maybe 1-2 hours? Now it asks me to login again and again when I want to adjust my temperature. Appears to be still working with the phone app. Anyone else experiencing this auto logged off in relatively short amount of time? Like the cookie is not remembering?
07-31-2023 11:55 PM
Hello flybuzz,
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your inquiry. I'd be happy to take a look at this for you.
Depending on the web browser you're using. Please check and make sure that the Cookies are turned On. This will allow you to stay logged into the site. You can check out this article and let us know if you need more help.
Best regards,
08-04-2023 04:12 PM
Hey there,
Checking back in — how's it going? Still need our help?