06-07-2023 01:07 PM
I have linked my Orbit B-Hyve to google home and am trying to use google home to control it. I've successfully connected my account and the device shows up on Google home and my Next Hub Max and Nest Hub. One both devices the Device Tile shows a status of "Loading" If I select the device I get a screen showing the device name, a sprinkler icon, and a play and pause button. If I push the play button the B-Hyve starts the program in slot A. The stop button stops the program.
When trying to use voice commands I run into problems. Orbit claims that the following voice commands should work...
My zones are names "frontyard" and "backyard". Program A is labeled "Yard".
The command "Start Watering" Starts the program in slot A as expected. but google home returns an error message "can't load status" B-hyve
The command "Start Watering Zone 1" Returns an error message "sorry, it looks like that device hasn't been set up yet. You can do that in assistant settings"
The command "Start Watering Zone 2" starts a 10 minute program on zone 2 as expected and returns an error message, "can't load status, B-hyve" and reports status of "Alright, starting B-hyve in Zone 2"
The command, "start watering frontyard", Returns an error message "sorry, it looks like that device hasn't been set up yet. You can do that in assistant settings"
The command, "start watering backyard" starts a 10 minute program on zone 2 as expected and returns an error message, "can't load status, B-hyve" and reports status of "Alright, starting B-hyve in the backyard.
Any help would be appreciated.
12-11-2023 12:46 AM
I have the EXACT same problem. Did you get this resolved?
12-11-2023 07:02 AM
I haven't looked at it since, but I don't expect that anything has changed. My experience with Google home is that it's very limited and can only handle simple commands like turning a light on or off.
03-30-2024 05:06 PM
I can't even re link my account to Google home.
Is this a Google home issue or orbit...
04-16-2024 07:58 AM
I disconnected my bhyve account with Google home so that I could switch which device was connected. Now I keep getting an error message stating " Could not connect to Orbit B-Hyve" . I've un-installed and reinstalled the app. Turned off my phone, I've made sure on sale wifi network. Same issue . Any suggestions?