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Using a Nest temperature sensor in a Google home script?

Community Member

Hi! I am wanting to use the temperature of the upstairs in my home within a Google Household Routine script. I was thinking of purchasing some Nest temperature sensors, connecting them to my Nest thermostat E, and referencing their temperature readings through the thermostat. Am I able to do that from within a Household Routine script? Does the YAML support that with some variable? I am grateful for any information. Thanks!


Gold Product Expert
Gold Product Expert

Hi zahna,

You can find a list of supported devices and the actions that can be used with the script editor within the link below. 



Gold Product Expert
Gold Product Expert

As far as I can see (typing 'Nest' into the search) using thermostat isn't available yet, sorry.



Am I reading it correctly that ambient temp can now trigger an event?

- starters:
- type: device.state.TemperatureSetting # For devices that support temperature points and modes.
state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient
is: 70
device: Nest Thermostat - Living Room

This script seems to work when I first start the script, but then does not seem to trigger later when the condition is met:


name: Fans on when warm
description: Turn on fans when the temperature rises above 16C.
- starters:
- type: device.state.TemperatureSetting
device: Nest Thermostat - Living Room
state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient
greaterThan: 16C
- type: device.command.OnOff
- Fans - Sun Room
on: true


When first starting the script the fans come on, as shown in the log:

5/4/24 10:47:07 AM [INFO] Action succeeded for: [Fans].
5/4/24 10:47:07 AM [INFO] Action succeeded for: [Fans].
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Starter check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Starter check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Starter check: conditions met.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation started: manually.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation started: manually.
5/4/24 10:47:06 AM [INFO] Automation started: manually.
But the next day when the condition is met again the fans do not start:
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_mode] [string_value: "eco"].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_ambient] [float_value: 17.429993].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_setpoint_high] [float_value: 24.444443].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_setpoint_low] [float_value: 10.0].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_humidity_ambient] [float_value: 61.199997].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/active_thermostat_mode] [string_value: "none"].
5/4/24 9:56:54 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/target_temp_reached_estimate_unix_timestamp_sec] [long_value: 0].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_mode] [string_value: "eco"].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_ambient] [float_value: 17.429993].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_setpoint_high] [float_value: 24.444443].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_temperature_setpoint_low] [float_value: 10.0].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/thermostat_humidity_ambient] [float_value: 62.5].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/active_thermostat_mode] [string_value: "none"].
5/4/24 8:41:00 AM [INFO] Automation started by: [Nest Thermostat] because [home.graph.traits.TemperatureSetting/target_temp_reached_estimate_unix_timestamp_sec] [long_value: 0].

My script finally started working on the following day. Not sure why, but I can confirm the above script does work.

Community Member

OK, thanks. That helps a lot.

It is really weird that there does not seem to be a simple wifi enabled thermometer on the market that can be used for automation.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks, 


@zahna, we're happy to hear about your excitement for Nest Thermostat E and Nest Temperature Sensors being added in the Google Home app, but we don't have any news or timeframe to share about its availability to be added in the Google Home app. Currently, the Nest Thermostat E and Nest Temperature Sensors can only be added via Nest app. 


Please be assured that our product team is working non-stop with different partners to bring the best to the Google Nest devices. So, please let our product team know about it by sending feedback


I appreciate your help here, @Cathal_S


All the best,




Community Member

I might not have explained my goal clearly. I have my thermostat added via the Nest app and I am currently using it in Household Routine scripts at What I am wanting to do is to add a few Nest temperature sensors and also use their readings in Household Routine scripts.

Community Member

Hi Zahna, I'm looking for the same capability.  I want to measure outside temperature and trigger an action.  Please let me know if you found anything.

Community Member

Same. Maybe because they haven't added it fully yet to the Home app yet that's the hold up?

Community Member

It's certainly not yet available. But it's possibly part of Home Assistant's Nest interface, if it exists. I had to move and disassemble a pretty complex HA setup. I found it was well worth the effort to move automations/scripts over to that, running on a Raspberry Pi. You will find a whole new world of possibilities. Plus, you can fiddle with IFTTT scripts in conjunction with your HA instance.

Community Member

I reached here with similar goals for home automation script. I hope Nest Temperature sensors are supported soon, or will need to buy sensors that are already supported.

Community Member

We need the nest temp sensor to be used as a starter in the Google home app automations. Tons of things can be starters why not the temp sensor?

Community Member

I agree. This is a google product. It should be supported. Also, I have an Air filter that can be used as a starter. It kicks on automatically when the air is poluted. So that it has a better chance to clean the whole home, I want my next Thermostat to kick on the fan. That isn't available. 
Google and Nest really need to collaborate better on functionality. They are the same parent company!