04-10-2023 09:54 AM
installed google nest thermostat in vacation home to be able to check on furnace, making sure pipes don't freeze. With warm weather coming, want to discontinue internet service there.
The question: without any input from the thermostat, will the furnace turn up the heat?
04-18-2023 10:02 AM
Hello shanemurphy,
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your inquiry.
Your heating system won't activate if you switch your Nest Thermostat's temperature mode to Off. This won't allow your system to run even though there was a schedule temperature. On the other hand, if you manually set your thermostat to Eco or you set your home to Away, it won't follow its temperature schedule as well.
Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.
04-21-2023 11:37 AM
Hi there,
I wanted to see if you still needed help. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
04-22-2023 02:27 PM
Hi shanemurphy,
I'm checking in to make sure that you've seen my response. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns before we lock this thread in 24 hours.