12-26-2023 05:13 PM
My Google Nest Learning thermostat was not connecting with WiFi, So I called Google and they Created a RMA for this product. But When I order this, it was shipped to wrong address. as soon as I notice I called to Google Nest Support and They told me don't worry, Our Order Management team will contact to you with 24-48 Hours and they will correct the address but I did not received any email but product shipped to wrong address. I call them again and they told they cannot do anything as we opened a ticket and it will 3-6 business days but still I need to make sure defective product should reach google with 21 days otherwise we will $267. These customer support people are so rude. First if all they gave me wrong information now they threatening me ti charge $267 if they did not receive defective product with 21 days.
How I will receive ,y replaceable product with charging any $ on my card.
12-27-2023 01:40 PM
Hello anupamattrey,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your continued trust in Google Nest.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience you've experienced with your Google Nest Learning thermostat and the associated support process. Your feedback is important to us, and we understand the frustration this situation has caused.
I want to assure you that we take your concerns seriously and are committed to resolving this issue promptly. Can you share with me your support ID number related to your replacement? Our goal is to ensure that you receive your replaceable product without any additional charges on your card.
I'll look forward to your response.
Best regards,
01-26-2024 10:05 AM
I am having the exact same issue as above. I tried telling them before anything was completed that they had the wrong shipping address. They insured me it would be corrected and I gave them the correct address well behold I receive the fedex shipping info and it has been delivered to the wrong address. Been on the phone numerous times with no answer if they are going to ship a new thermostat to the correct address or not. support case # 3-0961000035888
02-03-2024 01:39 PM
Hello there,
I was closely monitoring the situation of your replacements with your support ID numbers, and I am sorry for the trouble this has caused everyone. I know it has been a while, but I wanted to ensure that everything was covered here.
@RGRey, I see a new Nest Thermostat replacement is heading your way. If there’s anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
@Sweeper, the address issue has already been escalated to the dedicated team for assistance. Please keep an eye out for any email from the support person who handles your case and continue the conversation there for any updates.
@anupamattrey, I wanted to see if you were still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any trouble from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
Warm regards,
12-28-2023 04:42 AM
9-4602000035699 or this 4-4570000035280., I am not sure which one is correct. product is already delivered to wrong address.
12-30-2023 11:37 AM
Where is my package, I already returned replaceable item and Google received , Now I need my package, which you guys delivered on wrong address.
01-16-2024 10:18 AM
My RMA was shipped to the wrong address. I tried emailing the support contact person and I have gotten no replies. I updated my address back in Oct-Nov of last year and I put in my correct updated address when I filled out the replacement form. I don't want to be charged $267 for something I haven't received.
Case Number: 6-8760000035393
Tracking: 717024740185