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Google Wifi Port forward static IP

Community Member


In my network I have 3 Google Wifi meshed devices. Those are connected through a wired unmanaged switch.

Now I have a device in my network that has a static IP set in its configuration to (Not in my DHCP range which is from I can ping it on the network, but I can't see it in the App so I'm unable to forward a specific port to that device.

Is there a possibility to add a Port forwarding rule without "seeing" the device as such in the app?


Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

How have you wired it all up, like this?


You need to be able to see the device in the Google Home app in order to add port forwarding rules.

Worst case, try to factory reset Nest Wifi and set up from scratch. Reuse existing network name (SSID) and password, then devices should automagically reconnect. Not ideal, but can fix issues like you are facing.

I don't work for Google.

Community Member

I see all the other devices in my network. Unfortunately this devices IP cannot be set by the DHCP, but it is required to have a static IP. So I set that static IP to something that is within the range of my subnet mask.
DHCP Range
Subnet Mask
An that device in question

I can even ping it, but Google Home does not see it


Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

I too have devices outside the DHCP scope, but I set a DHCP reservation before adding a port forwarding rule, maybe that's what you should do.

I have as DHCP pool, set my NAS to using DHCP reservation, then added a port forwarding rule to it.

I don't work for Google.

Community Member

The problem is, that my devices IP is not set by the DHCP, but set statically on the device, so it is not shown in the home app for (i guess) that reason.
I don't see a solution as long as it is not possible to set a port forwarding rule for (arbitrary) IP adresses from the Home app

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

I have no further recommendations to provide.

Summarized: Make sure it's all wired up like the diagram in my first reply shows. And try to do a DHCP reservation from the Google Home app.

I don't work for Google.

Community Member

Fortunately I do have a device in my network that already has a nginx running. So I forward all the interesting traffic to that device which is seen in the Home app and from there then to my static device. Here in more detail

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks, 

Thanks for lending a hand, @olavrb.
@hons, I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.


Community Member

Hi Abi,

I answered already on the other thread that I was participating to find a solution to this problem. Currently as said I'm using an auxiliary device like a raspberry in the network to forward traffic to devices that I don't see on the google home app. It should be possible for a routing system to setup port forwarding rules as needed... However, I send a feedback to Google as u suggested. Next time I need to buy such devices I'll do more research on my needs and buy something (else) according t what I need 🙂

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello hons,

Thanks again for sending in your feedback. If you have a new question, you can always reach out to us by creating a new thread. I’ll be closing this thread in 24 hours.
