01-27-2022 11:03 AM
I'm in the process of migrating to VirginMedia and wondering if anyone has been through the process. I'm trying to switch my 30 or so devices individually to the new network before I use the Nest Wifi and Point I have to extend the range.
Is this going to be a straightforward process? Which Virgin ISP details will I need in order to get set up smoothly? I don't want to disconnect my old wifi until I'm confident I'm not going to bust anything!
Thanks in advance,
01-30-2022 02:09 AM
If you rename the google Wifi name to the same as the old Virgin one you should be good to go.
01-30-2022 08:07 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm not quite sure what you mean. Sorry, bit of a beginner at this as someone helped me to set up the Nest wifi in the first place.
02-07-2022 09:26 AM
Hi, dunners.
I thought I would add a little more to what Mikejj34 said. When he's talking about renaming things, he's talking about the newtork name (SSID) that you choose for your network. If you set network name to the same name as your old network and set it up using the same password, all your devices will connect to the new network without having to put in any network credentials or performing network setup on them again.
Hopefully that clears things up a bit. If you still have questions, let me know.
02-09-2022 03:38 AM
Aha, thanks both. Yes that makes sense. I did it 'the hard way' in the end - mostly as I was running the two services in parallel out of necessity.
The process was - as I always find - a massive 'PITA' but we got there in the end without too much swearing 😄
02-09-2022 11:09 AM
We often learn the hard way, dunners. I'm happy to hear you got things going, however. Before I mark this as resolved, I did want to make sure you had everything working well and to make sure you didn't have any other questions or needs. If there's more I can do, just let me know.
02-15-2022 01:30 PM
Hi, everyone.
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
02-17-2022 12:11 PM
Hi, everyone.
As we haven't had any activity here recently I'm going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have more to add, feel free to start a new discussion.