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Script for Fingerbot Automation which is triggered by finishing cleaning process of roborock

Community Member


my setup:

i have the roborock s7 pro ultra and i bought the mop heater modul for the Roborock s8. It fits but it does not start automtically when Roborock did the work.

Now I bought a Fingerbot and build a routine for it:


- type: device.state.Dock
state: isDocked
is: true
device: Roborock S7 Pro Ultra - EG Küche
- type: device.command.OnOff 
on: true
devices: Robo Trockner - EG Küche
- type: time.delay
for: 1hour58min
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
on: false
devices: Robo Trockner - EG Küche
- type: time.delay
for: 1min
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
on: true
devices: Robo Trockner - EG Küche
- type: time.delay
for: 1hour58min
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
on: false
devices: Robo Trockner - EG Küche


What does not work is that the routine starts automatically after cleaning process. I thought its triggered because device state changes to is.docked. But this does not work. Any suggestions how i can start the above routine when the robot finishes cleaning and returns to dock? 


1 Recommended Answer

Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Hello @madCase ,

Thanks for reaching out to us with your issue. Can your confirm the following things : 

  • Have you connected the roborock to GHA to see if the state changes properly ?
  • Does isDocked show up in the GHA ?

You can also make use of the Home Graph Viewer, but you will need the agent user id for roborock.

View Recommended Answer in original post


Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Hello @madCase ,

Thanks for reaching out to us with your issue. Can your confirm the following things : 

  • Have you connected the roborock to GHA to see if the state changes properly ?
  • Does isDocked show up in the GHA ?

You can also make use of the Home Graph Viewer, but you will need the agent user id for roborock.

Thank you for your reply ! Can confirm, that is Docked shows up in the app. but with delay. Will have a look if that is the problem. Changing isdocked status faster is not possibly?


Checked it now for 2 weeks and automation not working! Now i always have to trigger it manually... This happens with many automations. Very unstable the google automations. Sometimes working, sometimes not!