01-15-2024 11:57 AM
It's kind of insane from a product manager point of view that a issue which has caused users to cancel their subscriptions, switch to competitors, and had problems with since launch has let this problem continue to go on.
The problem is this: We do not, nor expect Videos to play while using the YouTube Music app on Google Hubs. There is a separate app that plays videos it's called YouTube. If we wanted to play Music Videos we would do so on YouTube.
The Videos prevent the playing of a singular artist because it is using the YouTube method of video(not Music) suggestion. Plays the incorrect versions of the songs. It ruins the experience.
The troubleshooting methods from the "Community Specialists" do not work nor are they helpful. It's a time waste of theirs and ours. The problem stems directly from the implication of product itself in the Google Hub ecosystem.
Would love to see a work item or user story from a YouTube Music Developer working or even looking at this problem.
01-20-2024 03:39 PM
Hello disableVideoYTM,
Thanks for reaching out. To disable video on YouTube Music, please follow these steps below or visit this link from the YouTube Music help center to learn more.
Hope this helps.
02-16-2024 07:37 PM
This doesn't work
02-16-2024 07:39 PM
Agreed. This is ridiculous. Idk how Google has never fixed this problem. I've been a subscriber since the Google play music days but I'm seriously considering leaving YTM for a competitor. The problem can't be that hard to fix.