03-23-2024 12:52 PM
I love this feature, which runs a Slideshow of your Google Photos. However, I’d love to have more control over “Who” sees “What”. For example I’d like to be able to switch this mode to off when I leave my home, this way if some one comes in my home when I am out, they wouldn’t be able to see my somehow private pictures. Or when I am throwing a Party and there are lots of Guests, it would be very practical to be able to switch to “Guest Mode”
I don’t believe that this is possible right now, short of a very complicated custom automation or something. Right?
04-04-2024 12:26 PM
Hi there Jafarkhaan!
We appreciate your interest in improving the customization of our displays. We'll be considering this suggestion. However, we don't have any news to share at this time. We'll be sure to update this thread if anything changes.