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Google Nest Audio doet niks meer

Community Member

Mijn nest speaker doet helemaal niets meer. gaat niet aan. dit is al mijn 2e nest speaker die het niet meer doet binnen 1 jaar. hoe krijg ik de nest speaker weer aan! 



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @Erwin50


Thank you for reaching out to the community! I understand that you are having some issues trying to turn on your Nest Speaker. I know it can be a bad experience, but don't worry! Let me assist you with this issue.

Before we continue with the steps, I need to know a little bit about the issue to provide you with more accurate steps:

  • Is the speaker or display plugged directly into a wall outlet or a surge protector?
  • When the speaker or display is plugged into the wall outlet, does it show any LED lights that indicate it has power?
  • Are other devices able to receive power from the same outlet?
  • Is the official power adapter that came with the speaker or display being used on the device?
  • Have you tried using another wall outlet?
  • When did the issue begin?
  • Was there any type of electrical outage around the time the issue began?
  • What type of speaker do you have?

Once you have this information, I will be more than happy to assist you!


Best Regards, 


Community Member
Hallo DeboraJ,

De Google Nest Audio Speaker zit rechtstreeks op een wall outlet aangesloten waar spanning op staat met de officiele adapter die bij de speaker is geleverd. Ik heb de adapter getest op 1 van mijn andere google speakers. De speaker heeft altijd goed gefunctioneerd maar doet het nu helemaal niet meer. Er gaan dus ook geen leds branden als ik de speaker aansluit. En ik kan dus ook niet resetten. Dit is al de tweede spaeker in 1 jaar die er p deze manier mee stopt. Het ene moment werken ze goed. het andere moment wil ik ze weer gebruiken en reageren ze niet omdat ze helemaal niets meer doen.


Community Member

Ik hoop dat ik dit kan verhelpen.

Ik hoor graag je reactie,



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @Erwin50 


Thanks for sharing the required information! I checked here on the system and found some steps that could be helpful for you!

  • Plug the speaker or display into a different wall outlet.
  • Please make sure they are not connected to a surge protector to rule out all other hardware.

Discharge the speaker or display:

  • Unplug the power adapter from the outlet and the speaker or display.
  • Leave it unplugged for 20 seconds.
  • Plug the power adapter into the speaker or display.
  • Plug the other end of the power adapter into a wall outlet that works.
  • Check if any LED lights appear on the speaker or display.
  • If you have a second speaker or display, please use the power adapter from the one that currently works.

Please perform the steps and let me know if they work for you!


Best regards, 
