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Google Policy

Community Member

First of all, shame on Google for purposely sweeping complaints under the carpet. They take days to weeks, if ever, to respond to any issue, then if you don't respond in 24hrs, they close comms. That is despicable. Google is despicable.

I'm reopening my complaint because of their ineptitude to provide any help.

I've got my home location and my parents home location associated with my Google Home iOS app. I have a Home Hub at each location, and they are named differently to differentiate them. I set up a Workday routine to Play Music on my Hub. The "Device for Audio" has my Hub selected. Instead it plays on my parents Hub. We aren't even on the same WiFi.

How do I correct this? Only thing I can think to do is delete my parents location and devices, but they depend on me so much to manage the devices.

Google Home is both the most useful app, and the most buggy and frustrating.


Community Member

By the way, I don't need some know-nothing to suggest time wasting activities, I need an engineer to fix basic functionality.

Community Member

I was going to share what worked for me when Google was doing a similar thing to me. (Playing on a different speaker than what was set up.) 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there,


Just checking in to make sure that you saw our responses. I'll be locking this thread if we don't hear back from you again in 24 hours. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello redpoint5,


Thank you for providing details about the issue. I understand the frustration when a routine runs on the wrong device. To cover all bases, please try creating a new routine with the same actions as your "Workday" routine and see if you encounter the same issue. This will help us further troubleshoot and find a solution.


Also, we apologize if your previous thread was closed sooner than you would have liked. As Community Specialists, we occasionally do a bit of housekeeping to keep the conversations in our community fresh and relevant. This includes locking threads after a period of inactivity.


@Mr_C  You can go ahead and share it here because it will help other users in the Community.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


I just wanted to follow up to see if you still need our help. Please let us know, as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

