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Hey Google - Let me teel you a bad joke about your products.

Community Member

Bought two Google Nest Max Hubs for the new house. Kids wanted it. I was hesitant. Didn't do my homework, thinking, well it should work a bit like a smart device, right? It is almost 2024. +54 years since the first moon landing.

Fire up the device, go through the motions of setting it up like a breeze. I reboot it, new firmware upgrade and all set. 

But where is the app drawer? Like for real. I swipe up, I swipe down. I swipe left and right. I even swipe diagonally. No bloody app drawer. I start... well you guess it... Googling... only to find out that the app drawer was introduce in 2022. 

So where the bloody heck is my app drawer?

Takes me another Google search to find out how to reset the bloody device as it has no settings or menu to speak about. I reset, I uninstall my home app on my phone, go through the motion. New setup. 

Still no App drawer. I spend another 2 hours playing with the bloody thing, only to realize through some bloody web site that UK didn't have app drawer +1 year after it was introduced in US, and guess what, there is no confirmation that app drawer even works in Australia (!!!) Hello... does anyone know at Google? Reading from these posts no one does.

At best, I can use it to prop up books on my shelf and listen to music, set the alarm or tell me a dad joke (which, actually is not a joke. Google - get it right, when you ask a question in a joke, it is actually a riddle).

So, unless you can confirm that I do not have two duds in Australia, then the Google Nest Hub is a big joke not worth the money. I'd rather buy a cheap Android device with a premium Sonos Speaker next to it and actually do something besides getting jokes (sorry, riddles!), weather and playing music (which, by the way, I can do with my phone).

And since you killed Google Nest Security (selling your soul to a terrible security company) for revenue, there isn't much in it.

My kids are upset. I am frustrated. Your tech department needs someone with vision.

To everyone else, Merry Xmas!