12-29-2023 01:12 PM
Good evening all,
when playing a radio station on any of my google home devices, the radio station stops playing after 6-7 minutes and I’m not sure why. I’ve rebooted, reset you know it.
please help!
12-30-2023 03:53 AM
I and probably many other users have had this or similar problems playing TuneIn for years.
It's frustrating but please don't expect a solution to this problem. Unfortunately, it is what it is and I no longer have any hope that anything will change. The entire Nest/Home system has not been running smoothly since its introduction. Realistically, you shouldn't expect a miracle anymore.
12-30-2023 04:18 AM
But in the office in a separate building it works without any issues, same radio station too. I’m just trying to understand why it’s happening on some and not others?
12-30-2023 05:07 AM
The desire to understand the error is understandable. I have that too.
But we won't get a solution here for this error or a lot of other errors related to music playback on speaker groups.
It is very likely that this and some other errors are caused by communication via multicast and unicast via UDP.
The error may occur in a specific configuration with specific routers and/or repeaters. It is important to understand that one would have to fully audit the firmware source code to find the error or at least further isolate it. For that to happen, exactly one of two things would be necessary. 1. Google publishes the source code and skilled developers fix the bug or 2. Someone hacks the cast software and finds and fixes the bug. Personally, I would rule out the possibility of Google solving the problem, as the entire system has never worked without errors since it was launched. But that's just my personal opinion.
12-30-2023 05:13 AM
Just doesn’t make sense why one google set works and not the other. I work in IT and it’s bugging with my brain cells
12-30-2023 05:19 AM
Just like I said. It could be due to a certain constellation. Things like the 2.4GHz and 5GHz network, the respective channel on these frequencies, the IPv6 setting, the DNSv4 used and the way the router and/or the repeaters could handle the communication of unicast and multicast via the UDP protocol are all play a role. If a single setting were to decide this, then this and many other problems would have been solved long ago.