04-03-2024 08:51 PM
I just got a B-Hyve Hub, plus a 4 outlet timer. I have the hub and B-Hyve account set up, but every time I try to get the Google Home app to link to my B-Hyve account, it says "Could not reach B-Hyve. Please try again." And I *know* I'm entering my password correctly.
04-05-2024 11:43 AM - edited 04-05-2024 11:44 AM
Have you tried using the manufacturer's app Third Party connection process? It's probably situated in its settings.
04-05-2024 11:36 PM
Yeah, but all I'd get is a faded blank screen. Like an semi-transparent overlay with nothing to display.
I got it to recognize it eventually. But I'll be darned if I know how.
05-30-2024 05:57 PM
Hello @MizzDrew22,
Thanks for posting in the community.
It's frustrating when things don't connect as expected. I also appreciate your effort. Let's troubleshoot this B-Hyve Hub and Google Home app linking issue.
Here are a few steps that might help:
1. Double-check network connectivity:
2. Restart devices:
3. Check the B-Hyve app and online services:
4. Re-link B-Hyve in the Google Home App:
5. Contact B-Hyve Support:
You can also visit the B-Hyve Support Website for information related to your issue; please let me know how it goes. Thank you.
All the best,
05-30-2024 10:04 PM - edited 05-30-2024 10:09 PM
Although this will be generally helpful for future readers in troubleshooting, I am not, by any stretch, unfamiliar with technological troubleshooting. For anyone remotely familiar with technology, those things are "SOP" (standard operating procedure), and I had already tried all those things at the time I posted. (Which I thought, but apparently forgot, to mention.)
That said, and as I said in a previous comment, this has long been remedied, although I never figured out what it was that fixed it.
04-08-2024 03:02 AM
Recommend you try resetting your beehive hub if you tube process I recommend you contact beehive. I don’t really know how this works but I have seen a few videos about this
05-05-2024 03:24 PM
Does it surprise us at this point? Google has taken away the ability to call home devices over your phone, they've taken away the ability to turn off status lights on your nest cameras, they removed the ability to work with if this than that. All these things that were advertised when we purchased our devices. I remember when Google used to be considered one of the best, it's why I didn't go with Alexa, I deeply regret all my home devices being Google and I plan on changing over slowly but surely my home is going to Alexa devices. I can't deal with this anymore, I've never seen a company that has gotten worse after you brought a product, in fact, these things should be illegal. We should be protected from companies doing things like this.
05-30-2024 10:08 PM
I understand your frustration. But how does ranting on a Q&A type forum help anyone with the issue unasked about?
06-09-2024 01:47 PM
I enjoyed the rant. I have all the same concerns and it made me feel better. fyi only.
06-14-2024 07:26 AM
It helps them by allowing them to redirect their money to a product that is not inferior. Google's products have become inferior , they are a waste of money, ergo someone telling you not to spend your money on that, is helpful
06-15-2024 12:40 AM - edited 06-15-2024 12:41 AM
Yeah, but there is a big difference between "recommending" it as being "bad" and pitching a fit about it.
06-15-2024 06:50 AM - edited 06-15-2024 07:03 AM
There sure is! It's like a $15,000 dollar difference on investment! Money that those are willing to spend to integrate a variety of different automations into their life, those people that are on the sidelines ready to spend thousands deserve to know that they are about to invest in a garbage homekit. Glad we can agree.
06-15-2024 02:19 PM - edited 06-15-2024 02:21 PM
As I've said in another comment' I'm not playing this intellectual p*issing match of yours. Go troll someone else. That nonsense won't work here.
For other's reference, here is what the original comment said before they edited it.
06-17-2024 06:02 AM
Yeah, I forgot to include my robot lawn mower....add 5000....lol....how old are you?
06-13-2024 08:23 PM
I'm getting the same message as you did. How many attempts and or days did it take until it "worked"? I'm ok with a vague amount if just force feeding the same information just ends up with a working result. I'm just curious how long it took you to get a positive one.
06-14-2024 07:27 AM
There was no number of attempts, I just switched to Alexa and everything worked fine
06-15-2024 12:27 AM
So, basically, you gave up after one inconvenience. That therefore isn't sufficient qualification to deem the product/app "bad" or "unusable."
06-15-2024 06:37 AM - edited 06-15-2024 06:41 AM
No, that is a gross miscomprehension of my comment. What I am saying is I am so sick of Google home NOT working or features being removed, in an array of different scenarios, that this bhyve issue is the final straw. In fact, the only thing I have left right now that is Google is this phone, and that will be changed when it's ready. When I say I'm done with Google home products I mean it. It's not that I'm just saying that Google Assistant/home is an inferior product, It is an OBJECTIVELY inferior product.... I'm sorry if you're one of the few people that don't have the capacity to realize how features have gotten so much worse during your frog boil. Because over the last many years it has gotten incrementally worse than when it was when I first had them. So feel free to defend garbage all you want.
06-15-2024 02:14 PM - edited 06-15-2024 03:07 PM
And you don't need to be so rude as to turn this into some intellectual p*ssing match. But for your information, pal: I had college level SATs in early high school, graduated college with a degree in IT (with honors), *and* am employed by a college. We're not playing that game.
And miscomprehension? You're one to talk. ArtistFire wasn't asking *you* what you did, they were asking the OP (me.) So if you're going to bash someone for not understanding something, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you feel the need to bully anyone who disagrees with you. That is what is gross here.
For your information, I'm not in some Google "frog boil", I've only just recently given *any* Google home/nest/etc. type products a go. Nice try, but I'm not defending anyone (product or company) here.
06-16-2024 11:09 AM
What are you on about? I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are, should I clap that you got high SAT scores? How utterly petty. I'll save you from even further embarrassment by withholding what it is I do as a profession. Besides the point I gave someone my reasons why they should switch from Google home, It wasn't you. I came here and found another person having the same type of issues I've been having. Sorry you don't have the experience with Google that I've had, but I have watched them progressively get worse over the years. I'm giving people warnings from my personal experience where they probably shouldn't spend their hard-earned money, and if you don't like that, move on.
06-16-2024 07:42 PM - edited 06-16-2024 07:58 PM
"I'll save you the embarrassment..." Your superior ego is showing, pal. You're still trying to make this an intellectual p*ssing match. Knock it off. If anyone is being petty here, it's you. And it's not mature, especially if you're in some snooty professional position as you are implying to be. Frankly, you couldn't embarrass me if you tried. Because just like you said "I don't know you." But if it's anything to do with teaching English, best rethink your previous comment before responding further, as you've made numerous basic English punctuation errors (among other things) in multiple comments.
You hijacked this comment thread. They asked ME how many times it took before I got it to work. Not you. If this were in a religious context, you'd be considered aggressively trying to proselytize, not "warn." Keep your "warnings" in your own comment thread here. If that is really your intent, that is.
I called you out on your crap. Fact is, it doesn't matter how "important" your position is, it doesn't excuse your appalling behavior. "And if you don't like that, move on."
06-16-2024 08:28 PM
Thank you! Well said.
06-17-2024 05:55 AM
Lol....in what world does someone get to claim the other party is being "petty", whilst commenting on their personal SAT performance, their profession, and acting in the role of the grammar police? This is a public forum, perhaps you're most offended because you're really the pseudo-intellectual type with an inferiority complex? Because it sounds like the only one butthurt here is you. Your behavior is completely childlike, and your opinion isn't the only one that matters on a public forum despite whatever psychological hurdles you've carried over into adulthood. I'm done with your nonsense. ANYONE ELSE reading this thread wanting to know the answer to this Bhyve issue, the issue IS Google Assistant's degrading performance, go with Alexa, it has completely fixed my issue with this, and a lot more. Now go ahead and get you last words in, child.
06-15-2024 12:34 AM - edited 06-15-2024 12:39 AM
I'm a troubleshooter by nature, so I generally don't count. I just keep trying variations I can think of until it works, or I run out of ideas (or solutions through searching the internet.) If my garden weren't dependent on it now, I'd disconnect/remove everything and try to replicate the problem.
However, I don't recall it seeming like a ridiculous number, but definitely more than three or four attempts.
I just in the last week or so, I had a moment of recall when I was dealing with this issue. I feel like when it worked, it had something to do with having the hyve hub connected to wifi via their app; and then the timer connected to the hub via the app; and then it connected to Google fine. Like you have to have a device connected to the hub, not just the hub itself connected to wifi. (Which would make sense, since the hub doesn't actually *do* anything, but is merely a kind of relay.)
06-15-2024 07:06 AM
Or...... You can just hit the easy button and plug in your Alexa
06-15-2024 02:26 PM - edited 06-15-2024 02:26 PM
Or, you could stop berating people and trolling their comments because you can't handle disagreement. You need to stop bullying others.