06-23-2023 08:52 AM
Szeretném a smartthings profilomat a Google home ba csatolni de a GHome azt írja, hogy jelenleg nem találja a smartthings alkalmazást, próbálja újra. Ezt 4 hónapja csinálja és ugye nem is csatlakozik ezért leválasztani se tudom.
Mit tudok tenni?
06-26-2023 03:49 PM
Hi Muratomi1,
Thanks for posting — let's get this sorted out.
A few questions: what’s the make and model of your phone? Are there other Home automation devices linked in your home? What’s the language and region set on your phone settings?
I’ll look forward to your response.
Kind regards,
06-29-2023 03:54 PM
Hi there,
I'm jumping in to ensure everything is good here. Have you seen my last response? Let us know of the answers so we could take a closer look at them.
06-30-2023 03:59 PM
Hello Muratomi1,
We want to ensure you are good to go. Please let us know if you are still having trouble, as we will be locking the thread in 24 hours due to inactivity.