04-23-2024 03:17 AM
Why, oh why, can't invited managers create or edit household routines.
I can understand personal routines, they are for you. But why, when I invite a manager (my wife) to join our Home, can she then not edit or create a household routine.
Google removed the ability to create media alarms by voice so the kids can no longer set their own media alarm to actually get up for school. OK, we can do that using a household routine. Nowhere near as convenient but can be done.
My wife tried. It says the routine can not run as she has no access. Weird I thought, she is a manager and I invited her to the Home. Contacted Google. Have you deleted and reinstalled the Home app. No, I will do that. Did that, still would not work. Deleted the Home, set everything back to factory settings, recreated the Home and added my wife as a manager, checked all the devices are set to have both of us as managers. Still no joy.
Contact Google again. Oh, an invited manager can't do it, only you can create and amend household routines for media etc. WHAT! Why? Because of security. BUT I AM THE ONE WHO SENT THE REQUEST FOR HER TO JOIN. If I didn't want her to be able to do this I would just not have sent the request.
So I am left with being the only person in our house who can set a household routines, including for media alarms, for my wife and the kids. What's the point.
Has anyone else come across this and, along with the removal of being able to set a media alarm by voice (apparently because users did not value it ?!?!), is a bit cheesed off about it? Has anyone found a work around so you are not left as the overseer of your whole family's ability to create a household routine, including media alarms? I am not actually of want of an oligarchy but at the moment, that is what we have.
And just in case anyone thinks I am being stupid, we tried it on personal routines too. Still does not work and my invited manager is unable to create a personal routine (but guess what, I can).
TIA for any comments/assistance on this and if I am not the only one who is a little miffed, please let Google hear your voice (I have sent them feedback already)