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After how many minutes of inactivity does the Nest Cam Wired Indoor stop recording?

Community Member

I am a researcher writing about a method for remote data collection using a Google Nest Cam. I need to fill in the XX in the following sentence.... "Nest Cam Indoor does have a “continuous record” feature, it does automatically stop recording after XX minutes of inactivity in terms of motion and audio sensed by the camera."  

Does anyone know how many minutes of inactivity cause the camera to stop recording? 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi ktilley,

Thanks for reaching out here in the Community. Nest Cameras (battery) would switch to idle mode to preserve its battery but when it detected a motion or a person it would turn on and record the event. There's no definite time for how long because it depends on the things it detected. Let us know if you have more questions in mind.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Chiming in —  I just want to check if you managed to see the response above. Please let us know if you still have questions or concerns, as we'll be willing to assist you further. 


I appreciate your help, Emerson.




I did see the response, thank you. Unfortunately the response did not answer my question. I understand that the camera is activated by motion and is in idle mode otherwise (even though the camera I'm using is wired, so no concern for preserving battery). What I want to know is how long after motion stops does the camera switch back to idle mode? Instantly? After 30 seconds of inactivity? A minute? It doesn't seem anyone has the answer to this question, but I appreciate the efforts to help.