03-08-2024 12:37 PM
My outdoor cameras keep disconnecting and reconnecting. They do this all the time, it’s probably a Wifi issue. The problem is that all of the sudden I am getting a notification EVERY time this happens, which is every few minutes, and for EACH individual camera. I have several of them (probably more than Nest can reasonably handle, tbh). Is there any way to turn these notifications OFF? It is driving me crazy.
03-08-2024 04:07 PM
I'm not aware of any way to turn off camera offline notifications in the Google Nest app.
On those rare occasions when we have lost internet access due to our ISP performing unscheduled maintenance, we get an individual notification for each camera as it goes offline. My impression is that the cameras have to be offline for about 10 minutes before we get a notification.
03-09-2024 09:29 AM
Actually I figured it out. I realized it was the Google Home app, not Nest. I found a place to turn it off. I’m not sure how it got turned on in the first place, though…unless it was from the latest update.
03-16-2024 07:36 AM
Hi folks,
Thanks for chiming in, @MplsCustomer.
@SongMom8, I'm glad the issue has been resolved, and I appreciate you looking for a step in resolving this. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask.