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Camera will not charge

Community Member

I have an outdoor camera at our camp. The camera worked fine until about two weeks ago. Now it will not take a charge, and it doesn’t show video histories. Would appreciate any advice.




Do you have the charging cord plugged in snugly into the bottom of the camera with the cord feeding towards the FRONT of the camera? Some customers have had problems with the USB plug, and others have had the cord plugged in backwards.

Community Member

Well my husband is doing it.  Ironically after I sent this message, I just got a notice it was fully charged.  Any idea why it’s not recording history?


With the battery camera running on battery power, you only get EVENT video history, and only when the camera wakes up from "Idle" mode to detect and record an event. Our battery camera is plugged in with the optional power cable, but if we unplug it, it does not detect when we walk in front of the camera. And if you do NOT have a Nest Aware subscription, your event video history is limited to events that occurred in the most recent 3 hours.

Community Member


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Thank you for your patience, I know that keeping your Nest devices charged is very important, and I would love to help you out. When it comes to keeping your Nest Doorbell (battery) or Nest Cam (battery) up and running, here are some articles and troubleshooting guides for the best charging practices:

  • This is a great article on general charging times for your devices.
  • This helpful article tells you how to save the battery with your doorbell or camera.
  • And this last article, will go over charging expectations when you may live in a cooler/colder environment which will address charging temperatures, etc.

I hope those articles help shed some light on charging and maintaining battery levels of your Nest doorbell or camera. Please let me know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, 


Let me know if you need anything from me, but I am just seeing how the conversation is going. We'll leave this thread open for a little longer for follow-up questions and concerns. 


Best regards, 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,

I wanted to pop in and see how things are going. Please let me know if you still need help. We'll leave this topic open for another 24 hours in case there are any follow-up questions or comments.

Best regards,