02-26-2024 09:48 AM
My doorbell keeps assigning to one of my daughters the face of my husband and other daughter, or sometimes even extended family members. Ok, related people can look similar. But the only option I have is to delete the wrong faces. It would be REALLY nice if I could move the wrong face to the correct person. I know I am not the only one who has complained about this. My one daughter only has a handful of reference photos because I can’t move them over. PLEASE FIX THIS.
02-26-2024 02:22 PM
So there is a way correct a face that is incorrectly identified. And in theory the more you correct them the more it learns and hopefully will not make the same mistake going forward.
To correct a face try this: (there are a lot of steps but once you do do a few it will get easier)
Go into the google home app and view the clips with the person in it.
click on the little "i" in the lower left corner of the screen.
In the lower left you should see "familiar face" and "person" icons. Click not the Familiar face icon and scroll down and click on FACE LIBRARY.
Click on one of the people you see in the list and then click on the little "right-arrow" and all their images should come up. If there is a WRONG face that does not belong to this person then click on the pencil in the upper right corner and select the wrong face. Then click one the funny little Up-arrow icon in the upper right corner and you can then select the correct person that this photo belongs to.
Hope this helps
03-01-2024 12:17 PM
There is no “I” in the lower left corner of the screen.
03-01-2024 04:08 PM
Hmmm, I need to clarify something. Your original post say you are using the NEST APP. Is that what you are using? Because it also says you are on the Nest doorbell wired (Gen 2) which does not work with the NEST APP. It only works with the GOOGLE HOME all. My reply was assuming you are using the Google Home app.
Also, I had a typo in my direction. When you are viewing a camera and you see all the events click on the 3-horizontal lines in the lower right corner. Then at the botom you should se FAMILIAR FACES. This is the area where you can select an image that is wrong and move it to the correct named person.
03-08-2024 10:02 AM
I’ve been using Nest and Google for several years and I still have this happen.
even after deleting faces, uninstalling and reinstalling app removing camera from my account and re-adding for several years it’s still continues to add the wrong faces to familiar faces library. I feel like it would always be better to be able to organize your own faces or have an on off to auto sort because just when you think it’s right, your female grandma Juanita walks up to the door and Google announces Tom is at the door.