06-12-2023 12:42 PM
Hello all,
I recently relocated to a different state with new WiFi router. I have multiple cameras to reconnect and they all showed solid green light. I went ahead and changed the address but the cameras still would not reconnect. I decided to delete the address on my google home app then start all over by re-adding each camera one by one.
I kept getting similar issue as these users - https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Cameras-and-Doorbells/Nest-camera-2nd-gen-won-t-connect/m-p/1...
I rebooted the cameras several times but no luck.
I reinstalled my Google Home app but no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I spent good amount of money on these cameras.
06-12-2023 01:01 PM
Changing a Wi-Fi network is not easy for most Google Nest devices. Did you follow Google Nest's suggested procedure, which basically is to remove each device from the Google Nest app or Google Home app (preferrably while on your previous Wi-Fi network), then factory reset each device, and then reinstall each device?
06-12-2023 01:12 PM
I found the reset button between the power cord and the camera's neck. It's so tiny that I struggled to find it last few attempts to follow the instructions thinking there aren't any reset button.
06-17-2023 01:10 PM
HI folks,
Thanks for the help here, MplsCustomer.
Asilomar, I hope you've got the answer you're looking for. If you're still in need of assistance, please let us know, as we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
06-20-2023 01:15 PM
Hi there,
I want to check if you have additional questions and concerns about your device. Let us know by updating this thread, and we're glad to assist you further.
06-21-2023 01:23 PM
Hello there,
We haven’t heard back from you, so I'll be locking this thread in 24 hours. Feel free to create a new one if you have other concerns in the future.