04-16-2024 05:03 PM
I have an NC 1102ES which is the Nest Camera. It is not a Dropcam.
Why is the NC 1102ES no longer supported when it is not a Dropcam?
04-16-2024 05:44 PM
The NC 1102ES is the 1st gen Google Nest Indoor Camera. We have one. It is supported. Ours is "Live" right now. We still use the Google Nest app but it also appears in the Google Home app.
Why did you say it was NOT supported?
04-17-2024 04:13 AM
I get a message that I am offline and that dropcam is not supported. I captured a screen shot but don't know how to add it to this reply. Do you know how to add an attachment to a reply?
04-17-2024 04:26 AM
i was able to attach the photo. please ignore the airplane mode icon on the screen shot.
I get this message when connected to wi fi or cellular service.
04-17-2024 08:23 AM
That's odd! Do you by any chance have a Dropcam still installed in your Google Nest app? Your screen shot looks like the Google Nest app's home screen, not the individual screen you get when viewing an individual camera.
If you do NOT have a Dropcam attached to your Google Nest app and are getting a "Dropcam no longer supported" message when selecting your 1st gen Google Nest NC 1102ES Indoor Camera (shown below), you'll probably need to contact Support to find out why:
1. Go to https://support.google.com/googlenest/gethelp.
2. Select a category/product family, and type in a brief description of the issue, then click "Next".
3. Click "Other", then click "Next step".
4. Under "Resources", just click "Next step". (Clicking one of the listed links will bring up a Help page page.)
5. Under "Contact options", choose to get a phone call or chat with the team, depending on availability in your country.