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Nest 2nd gen wired doorbell doesn't ring

Community Member

Where can I get a doorbell chime puck?  My Nest 2nd gen wired doorbell used to ring the chime in the house. It doesn't anymore. The doorbell transformer is putting out 20V. I have disconnected the chime puck from the chime and reconnected the chime wiring for "basic" operation. The chime rings when I short the two wires on the back of the doorbell, indicating continuity through the wiring. The only other component is the chime puck. The Nest doorbell is connected through the Nest app and not Google Home. The doorbell cam does appear in the Google Home app.  If I have missed something, please let me know. Otherwise, where can I get a doorbell chime puck?

Much appreciated




If your chime puck is defective, you'll need to contact Support to seek a replacement, using the link and instructions in this post in this forum:


Google Nest Customer Service is BS! I contacted customer service as outlined above. When I spoke to an agent, I was told my doorbell was out of warranty. I knew that. I just need to purchase a chime puck. The agent told me to go to Amazon or Best Buy to purchase a chime puck. Neither one sold the chime puck. So now what am I supposed to do? Where do I get a chime puck if Google Nest won't sell me one?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello trainman,

I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this. No worries, we'll check this out. Could you please give us the Case ID when you contact our support so that we can investigate this?

Thanks for the help, @MplsCustomer.

I look forward to your response.


Community Member

Hi Edmond B,

If you could help, that would be great. The lady I spoke to didn't give me a case number as she said my doorbell was out of warranty and there was nothing she could do. 



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, 


We'd like to know more about this. The 2nd Gen Nest Doorbell was just released last year around October, so this should not be out of warranty.  Please fill out this form so we could verify the warranty on your Nest Doorbell.


Community Member

Hi Edmond,

I was mistaken. My doorbell isn't 2nd generation if that was just released in Oct. I did not see, in the information I have how to tell what generation it is. I am hopeful, Google Nest will offer me a discount on a new doorbell.

Thank you,



Since you mentioned you actually have a Google Nest Hello Doorbell (which is installed in the Google Nest app), it might be worth exploring another alternative.

MANY of us with the older Google Nest Hello Doorbells (including all three of ours) have discovered that after a year or two, the internal battery fails. The chief symptom is that the doorbell goes offline for a minute whenever the doorbell button is pressed. I don't recall if it also causes the internal doorbell chime not to work.

There IS a workaround for THIS defect (failed internal battery).  (Google Nest says they "cannot" replace it if is older than the 1-year warranty.) If you turn off the "Indoor chime" option, the doorbell no longer goes offline when the button is pressed. Of course, your indoor doorbell chime no longer works, but we now use the "Visitor announcements" option ( to instead get announcements on our Nest Hubs and Nest Mini. (In this case, you still want the chime connector connected, because its purpose is to provide continuous power to the doorbell's camera.)

The thread below, with over 1,000 replies, is about the internal battery defect:

Great information, Thank you

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


@trainman, please feel free to let us know if you still have questions, as we'll be willing to assist you. 


I appreciate your inputs, @MplsCustomer and Edmond.


Best regards,


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks, 

@trainman, we wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let us know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as we would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.

Thanks for answering, MplsCustomer and Edmond.

Please close this thread. I gave up and bought a 2nd Gen Nest/Google doorbell.

I appreciate all the responses.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello trainman,


I’m glad to hear that this has reached its resolution. Reach out if you have any other questions in the future.


I appreciate the help, Edmond, Emerson, Jenelyn, and MplsCustomer.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,

Thanks for the information. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Please fill out this form with all the needed information. Let me know once you’re done.

Thanks for the input, @MplsCustomer.


Community Member

Thank you